External Review Panel travel - frequently asked questions

Q: How are travel arrangements for panelists handled?

A: Panel members make their own travel arrangements for the visit after confirming arrival and departure dates and times with ERP chair. ALA reimburses travel expenses following the review after panelists submit the expense report provided by the Office for Accreditation, accompanied by all original receipts (or printout of automobile route with mileage if driving). The Office for Accreditation makes arrangements for panelists to book air travel through through ALA's travel agency, so that panelists are not "out of pocket" for this expense. Instructions for booking this way will be sent to assigned panelists a few months before the review date.

Q: How are on-site lodging arrangements handled?

A: The program is responsible for making hotel reservations. The ERP chair and program representatives will coordinate dates, room requirements, and local travel. Usually, hotel rooms will be directly billed to the program. If rooms are not directly billed, the panelist pays out-of-pocket and submits the original receipt with the expense report to the Office for Accreditation. Panelists should notify the ERP chair of any specific requirements for lodging (handicap room, smoking/non-smoking room, etc.).

Q: Do panelists submit expense reports and/or receipts? If so, where do I get an expense report form?

A: Panelists must submit expense reports and original receipts to the Office for Accreditation within 30 days of the completion of travel. Expense report forms are emailed to the panelists in advance of the review visit. The expense report form can also be found online. ALA cannot reimburse expenses without original receipts (or printout of route with mileage in the case of travel by automobile). Panelists should not submit any out-of-pocket expenses directly to the program.

Q: Who reimburses panelists for site visit expenses?

A: Panel members are reimbursed by ALA through the Office for Accreditation. ALA will, in turn, bill the program for review expenses.

Q: How is the program billed for site visit costs after the review?

A: After all expense reports have been received, the Office submits a request for an invoice, and then the ALA billing department sends an invoice to the program. The ALA invoice typically has four lines - total transportation expenses, total lodging/meals, conference call charges, and review fee. Copies of panelists' expense reports and receipts are included with the invoice.