The Road to Annual: Tuesday, June 18

With ALA Annual around the corner (there’s still time to register!) we are in crunch time for getting video ready to share at my President’s Program. That means watching film again and again and then again, making notes and sharing feedback with Nikita, giving Nikita space to work, giving Leah time to do more archival research, and then watching a next version again and again. It turns out that distilling hours of footage into a few minutes isn’t easy!


Rolling glass with Elodie Holmes.

After a morning of concentrated effort, we took a break and learned the basics of blowing glass with Elodie Holmes. Her daughter Flynn is assisting with the tour, coordinating our visits and generating questions for our one on one interviews. Elodie is a world-renowned glass artist and we were lucky to spend time with her in her shop. As someone who works primarily in Times New Roman 12 point type, watching someone work with an entirely different medium to create meaning was a joy. Glass is about heating and cooling, moving from liquid to solid. The glass is in control. As I tried to keep the punty parallel to the floor and turning evenly, I wobbled all over the place and my initial gather started drooping toward the floor. Elodie stepped in to remind to listen to the glass, to follow it where it moves and trust what it was telling me. Good general advice, too.

Then we headed back to the house to watch the video back again and then again.

Mileage: 0

Soundtrack: Glass furnace

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