Virtual Council Meetings

Virtual Midwinter/Annual Council Documents and other Council Meetings

KEY: VIRMW Virtual Midwinter Meeting
VIRAC Virtual Annual Conference
VIR-Mar. Virtual March Council Meeting

Meeting Document # Document Name
VIRMW ALA CD #1 ****
VIRMW ALA CD #2 2020 June Virtual Council Meeting Minutes_FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #2.1 2020 September Virtual Council Meeting Minutes_FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #2.2 2020 December Virtual Council Meeting Minutes_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #2.3 2021 Midwinter Virtual Council Meeting Minutes_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #2.4 2021 March Virtual Council Meeting Minutes_FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #3 *****
VIRMW ALA CD #4 *****
VIRMW ALA CD #5 Rules Governing Virtual Council Meetings_FINAL
VIR-Mar. ALA CD #5.1 Rules Governing Virtual Council Meetings_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #5.2 Rules Governing Virtual Council Meetings
VIRMW ALA CD #6 Guidelines for Resolution Process-Virtual
VIRAC ALA CD #6.1 Guidelines for Resolution Process-Virtual
VIRMW ALA CD #7 *****
VIRMW ALA CD #8 Council/Executive Board/Membership Information Session Agenda_Final
VIRMW ALA CD #8.1 Council I Meeting Agenda, FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #8.2 Council II Meeting Agenda, FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #8.3 Council III Meeting Agenda, FINAL
VIR-Mar. ALA CD #8.4 March Council Meeting Agenda_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #8.5 Membership Information Session and Membership Meeting Agenda FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #8.6 Council I Meeting Agenda FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #8.7 Council II Meeting Agenda FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #8.8 Council III Meeting Agenda FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #9 Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2020 June Virtual Council Meeting
VIRAC ALA CD #9.1 Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2021 Midwinter Virtual Council Meeting
VIRMW ALA CD #10 Crafting Quality Resolutions
VIRMW ALA CD #10.1 Resolutions Committee Report
VIRAC ALA CD #10.2 Resolutions Committee Report
VIRMW ALA CD #11 Nominations for the Council Executive Board Election (COC) Report_FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #11.1 Appointment of the Tellers Committee for the ALA Executive Board Election
VIRMW ALA CD #11.2 Tellers Report on the Executive Board Election Results
VIRAC ALA CD #12 Nominations for the COC and PBA Election
VIRAC ALA CD #12.1 Appointment of the Tellers Committee for COC and PBA Election
VIRAC ALA CD #12.2 Tellers Report on the COC and PBA Election
VIRMW ALA CD #13 ALA Treasurer's Information Report for Council Information Session
VIRMW ALA CD #13.1 Budget Objectives/Programmatic Priorities (FY 2022) _FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #13.2 ALA Treasurer's Report
VIRAC ALA CD #13.3 Annual Estimates of Income_FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #14 Committee on Diversity
VIRAC ALA CD #14.1 Committee on Diversity
VIRMW ALA CD #15 Executive Board Actions since the 2020 June Virtual Meeting
VIRAC ALA CD #15.1 Executive Board Actions since the 2021 Midwinter Virtual Meeting
VIRMW ALA CD #16 Endowment Trustees Report
VIRAC ALA CD #16.1 Endowment Trustees Report
VIRAC ALA CD #16.2 Endowment Management Cost Information Report
VIRAC ALA CD #16.3 Endowment Benefits to ALA Units
VIRAC ALA CD #16.4 Endowment FAQ List
VIRMW ALA CD #17 Policy Monitoring Report
VIRAC ALA CD #17.1 Policy Monitoring Report
VIRMW ALA CD #18 International Relations Report
VIRAC ALA CD #18.1 International Relations Report
VIRMW ALA CD #19 Intellectual Freedom Report
VIRMW ALA CD #19.1-19.3 Intellectual Freedom Report_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #19.4 Intellectual Freedom Report FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD#19.5-19.7 Intellectual Freedom Report FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #20-20.2 Committee on Legislation Report _FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #20.3 Committee on Legislation Report
VIRMW ALA CD #21 ALA President's Report
VIRAC ALA CD #21.1 ALA President's Report
VIRMW ALA CD #22 Freedom to Read Foundation Report
VIRAC ALA CD #22.1 Freedom to Read Foundation Report
VIRMW ALA CD #23 Executive Director's Report
VIRAC ALA CD #23.1 Executive Director's Report
VIRMW ALA CD #24 Committee on Professional Ethics Report
VIRAC ALA CD #24.1-24.2 Committee on Professional Ethics Report _FINAL
VIRMW ALA CD #XXXX Constitution and Bylaws Report NO REPORT
VIRAC ALA CD #25-25.1 Constitution and Bylaws Report and Reference
VIRMW ALA CD #26 2021 Nominating Committee Report
VIRMW ALA CD #27 Committee on Organization Report_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #27.1 Committee on Organization Report_FINAL
VIRAC ALA CD #28.1-28.8 Division President's Annual Reports
VIRMW ALA CD #29 President-Elect's Report
VIRAC ALA CD #29.1 President-Elect's Report
VIRAC ALA CD #30 Public Policy and Advocacy
VIRMW ALA CD #31 Council Orientation Committee
VIRMW ALA CD #32 Publishing Committee
VIRAC ALA CD #33.1 BARC Report
VIRMW ALA CD #34 Philanthropy Advisory Group Report
VIRMW ALA CD #35 Forward Together FINAL Report
VIRMW ALA CD #35a Forward Together Resolutions Working Group Roster
VIRMW ALA CD #36 ALA 5-Year Pivot Strategy
VIRMW ALA CD #37 Forward Together Fiscal Analysis Working Group Update
VIRAC ALA CD #37.1 Forward Together Fiscal Analysis Working Group Update
VIRAC ALA CD #37.1 a Proposed Standardized Values Structure for ALA Divisions and Roundtables
VIRMW ALA CD #38 Public Awareness Report
VIRAC ALA CD #38.1 Public Awareness Report
VIRMW ALA CD #39 CONFIDENTIAL-ALA Honorary Membership Nomination, sent separately
VIRMW ALA CD #40 Operating Agreement Working Group Update
VIRAC ALA CD #40.1 Operating Agreement Working Group Update
VIRMW ALA CD #41 Committee on Education
VIRAC ALA CD #41.1 Committee on Education
VIRMW ALA CD #42 Committee on Library Advocacy
VIRAC ALA CD #42.1 Committee on Library Advocacy
VIRMW ALA CD #43 RESOLUTION to Condemn White Supremacy and Fascism as Antithetical to Library Work (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW ALA CD #44 Revised RESOLUTION on replacing the Library of Congress Subject Heading "Illegal aliens" with "Undocumented immigrants"

(Removed, to be evaluated at Annual 2021)
VIRMW ALA CD #45 RESOLUTION, to Classify Library Workers as 1b Workers to be Listed as a Priority Workforce in Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine

(see new "Title" RESOLUTION to Prioritize Library Workers to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine final adopted resolution below)
VIR-Mar. ALA CD #46 Forward Together Resolutions Working Group Update
VIRAC ALA CD #46.1 Forward Together Resolutions_action items
VIR-Mar. ALA CD #47 ALA Vaccine Working Group Final Report
VIRAC ALA CD #48 Retiring ALA Councilors and Executive Board Members
VIRAC ALA CD #49 Protecting Privacy and Safety in Coronavirus Related Library Policy Update

Guidelines for Libraries
VIRAC ALA CD #50 ALA Association_Council_Joint Committee Roster (information only)
VIRAC ALA CD #51 Digital Content Working Group
VIRAC ALA CD #52 Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship
VIRAC ALA CD #53 RESOLUTION to Achieve Carbon Neutrality for ALA Conferences

(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC ALA CD #54 Committee Appointment Process
VIRAC ALA CD #55 RESOLUTION on Greater Transparency in the Library of Congress Subj. Headings Rev. Process (DEFEATED)
VIRAC ALA CD #56 RESOLUTION on Replacing the Library of Congress Subject Heading Illegal Aliens Without Further Delay (REFERRED to the ALA Committee on Legislation for further analysis and report back to Council with recommendations at the January 2022 Council meeting)
VIRMW M-#1 Memorial Resolution for Susan S. Lazinger (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#2 Memorial Resolution for Vicki J. Terbovich (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#3 Memorial Resolution for Dr. Yvonne J. Chandler (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#4 Memorial Resolution for Luisa Vigo-Cepeda (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#5 Memorial Resolution for Marjorie Lewis (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#6 Memorial Resolution for Judy Yung (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#7 Memorial Resolution for Susana Liu (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW M-#8 Memorial Resolution for Violette Y. Brooks (see final adopted resolution below)
VIR/AC M-#9 Memorial Resolution for John T. Ma (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#10 Memorial Resolution for Dr. Vartan Gregorian (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#11 Memorial Resolution for Kathie Coblentz (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#12 Memorial Resolution for Dr. Henrietta M. Smith (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#13 Memorial Resolution for Dr. Cheryl McCarthy(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#14 Memorial Resolution for Eleanor (Penny) Brome (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#15 Memorial Resolution for Latanya N. Jenkins(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#16 Memorial Resolution for Anita Schiller(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#17 Memorial Resolution for Xiaoqiu Li(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#18 Memorial Resolution for Bernadette Storck(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#19 Memorial Resolution for Dr. William C. Robinson(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#20 Memorial Resolution for Margaret R. Myers(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#21 Memorial Resolution for Michele Leber(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#22 Memorial Resolution for Leonard Kniffel(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#23 Memorial Resolution for William G. Asp(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#24 Memorial Resolution for Regina U. Minudri(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC M-#25 Memorial Resolution for Rita Joyce Williams Jones (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW T-#1 Tribute Resolution for Barb Macikas (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW T-#2 Tribute Resolution for Patricia Ann (Pat) Tumulty (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW T-#3 Tribute Resolution for Ona Šimaitė (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW T-#4 Tribute Resolution for Barbara Johns (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRMW T-#5 Tribute Resolution for Judith Nixon (see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC T-#6 Tribute Resolution for Mary Ellen Davis(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC T-#7 Tribute Resolution for Gwendolyn Prellwitz(see final adopted resolution below)
VIRAC T-#8 Tribute Resolution for Carrie Russell(see final adopted resolution below)

ALA-APA Documents (Virtual Midwinter Meeting)

Meeting Document # Document Name
VIRMW ALA-APA CD#2 2020 MW Minutes
VIRMW ALA-APA CD#3 Virtual Council Rules
VIRMW ALA-APA CD#4.0-4.1 APA Treasurer's Report
VIRMW ALA-APA CD#5 APA Executive Director's Report

Information Only Documents

Meeting Document # Document Name
VIRMW Exhibit #1 Voting Record (2020 Virtual June Council Meeting)
VIRMW Exhibit #2 Voting Record (2020 Virtual September Council Meeting)
VIRMW Exhibit #3 Voting Record (2020 Virtual December Council Meeting)
VIRAC Exhibit #4 Voting Record (2021 Virtual Midwinter Council Meeting)

Resolutions Adopted by the ALA Council (Virtual Midwinter Meeting)

Resolution Adopted by the ALA Council (Virtual Annual Conference)

Memorial Resolutions Adopted by the ALA Council (Virtual Midwinter Meeting)

Memorial Resolutions Adopted by the ALA Council (Virtual Annual Conference)

Tribute Resolutions Adopted by the ALA Council (Virtual Midwinter Meeting)

Tribute Resolution Adopted by the ALA Council (Virtual Annual Conference)

Bios and Statements of the ALA Executive Board Candidates (Virtual Midwinter Meeting)