Guidelines for Resume Review Service Conference Volunteers

Thank you for volunteering to work at the Resume Booth at the upcoming conference! Your help is truly appreciated. For those of you who haven't volunteered before, here's a list of things you'll be required to do.

  1. If possible, please show up for your shift five to ten minutes before the hour. The Resume Review Service will be located within the ALA undefined Placement Center.

    At the conference, if you discover you will not be able to volunteer please stop by the booth and inform the volunteer on duty. There is only one person scheduled per shift so please make every effort to be there.

  2. The volunteer you are relieving should be able to give you fill you in on what you'll be doing and what the prior hour was like. When the next volunteer relieves you, please be sure to fill them in on what needs to be done.

  3. Smile and look friendly and approachable.

  4. Be sure to introduce people to the Resume Review Service, both the e-mail and the on-site service. For more information about the e-mail service, please visit this link:

    Encourage them to sign up for the on-site service. We have two resume reviewers scheduled for each hour (sometimes three) and would like to keep them busy. If you have a resume that needs updating, why not bring it along? We have some great reviewers scheduled.

  5. Job seekers get to meet with reviewers for 30 minutes. You will be responsible for signing people up. There will be a sign up sheet at our booth.

  6. There will be a statistics sheet together with the sign up sheet. Please keep a record of how many people drop in, how many sign up and how many actually have their resumes reviewed.

  7. We also have an evaluation form. Please encourage people to fill it out after their review is over.

  8. Lots of people drop in to see what the service is all about. Feel free to offer advice and personal experiences, but don't be afraid to say you don't know if someone asks a question you can't answer. If you encounter a difficult question that might come up again, please make note of it in the Volunteer Log.

  9. The volunteer log should be on a table near the entrance. You can use it to leave notes that might be helpful to other volunteers, to leave messages for us, or to make comments about your experience or contribute suggestions for next year.

Thanks again for volunteering. We hope you have a fun and fulfilling experience. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact the chair at