FMRT Bylaws

Bylaws of the Film and Media Round Table

Compiled by FMRT Bylaws Committee from suggestions, comments, practices and FMRT membership, 2013-2014.

Last Bylaws revision, December 2019



The name of this organization shall be the Film and Media Round Table (FMRT) of the American Library Association (ALA). The organization may also be referred to as The American Library Association Film and Media Round Table or ALA Film and Media Round Table.



The purposes of this organization shall be (1) to provide a forum for the discussion of video and other audiovisual collections, creation, services, and technologies in libraries of all types; (2) to promote a greater opportunity for involvement among the members of ALA in matters pertaining to video and other audiovisual formats; (3) to function as an advocate to the effective collection development and use of video in analog and digital formats in libraries and; (4) to provide a forum for communicating with authors, filmmakers, producers and distributors of video and with other film and video organizations of ALA.



Section 1. Any personal member of the ALA who is interested in the purposes of this Round Table shall be eligible for personal membership upon payment of annual dues (or free student membership). A personal member shall have the right to vote and shall act in accordance with the stated purposes of the Round Table.

Section 2. Any institutional member of ALA may become an institutional member of the FMRT upon payment of annual dues. Institutional members shall be nonvoting members.

Section 3. The dues of the FMRT shall be payable annually with general ALA membership.



Section 1. The Officers of the FMRT shall include a Chair; a Vice Chair / Chair-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be personal members in good standing of the FMRT and the ALA (meaning current active member status-paid dues, not holding more than three (3) concurrent ALA offices, and abiding by all other by-laws of ALA and FMRT).

Section 2. The term of office for the Chair shall be one (1) year, from the end of one Annual Meeting to the end of the following Annual Meeting.

Section 3. The term of office for the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect shall be one (1) year, from the end of one Annual Meeting to the end of the following Annual Meeting, at which time incumbent would become Chair. A previous Chair shall be eligible for election to the office of Vice-Chair/Chair Elect after a minimum interval of two (2) years out of office of the Chair (or one year after serving on Executive Board as Past Chair).

Section 4. The term of office for the Secretary shall be two (2) years; terms shall commence at the end of an Annual Meeting and continue through the end of the second successive Annual Meeting. The Secretary shall be eligible for re-election at the end of any term.

Section 5. The term of office for the Treasurer shall be two (2) years; terms shall commence at the end of an Annual Meeting and continue through the end of the second successive Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election at the end of any term.

Section 6. The Chair shall serve as Immediate Past Chair for a one year term after completing their term as Chair. The Immediate Past Chair additionally serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Section 7. At the Midwinter Business Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall present the Executive Committee with a slate of officers for the upcoming year. This slate shall contain either at least one nominee for every office to be filled at the annual election. Further nominations can be made from the floor and subsequently via written nomination by voting members in good standing. Nominations shall be closed two weeks after the official end of the Midwinter Conference or comparable date determined and announced by the FMRT Executive Board. In the case of only one nominee for any position there will be a provision for a write-in candidate. The slate shall be posted on the FMRT web site and ballots shall be sent through standard ALA procedures to all FMRT members in good standing prior to the ALA Annual Conference and must be returned on or before the date posted and provide for write-in candidates.

Section 8. Succession of officers in the case of a midterm vacancy shall occur as follows:

A. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Chair, the Vice Chair/Chair-Elect shall succeed the Chair and serve the remainder of the term. At the end of this term the Chair shall serve the full regular term.

B. If a vacancy occurs in any other elected office prior to April 1, and one (1) year or more remains the terms, the Nominating Committee shall propose at least two (2) candidates to fill the unexpired term of the vacant office(s). Voting will be conducted at the next regular Round Table election.

C. If a vacancy occurs with less than one (1) year remaining in the term, or after April 1 with more than one year remaining in the term, the Chair will appoint a replacement to serve out the unexpired term, subject to confirmation by a majority of the Executive Committee. This vote may be cast in a method determined at the discretion of the Chair.

Section 9. No member shall hold more than one office on the Executive Committee at any time.



Section 1. The Annual Membership Meeting of the FMRT shall take place during the Annual ALA Conference and shall include a report of the Executive Committee to the members of its activities, in the interim between Membership Meetings. This meeting is open to all FMRT and interested ALA Members and guests attending the Annual Meeting.

Section 2. The Midwinter Executive Committee meeting shall take place during the Midwinter ALA Meeting and shall include a report of the Committee business since last Annual Membership Meeting. This meeting is open to all FMRT and interested ALA Members and guests attending the Midwinter Meeting.

Section 3. Special Membership meetings may be called by the Executive Committee and may also be called upon a written request of ten (10) members of the Round Table. One (1) month's notice shall be required (or any special meeting).

Section 4. Ten (10) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any Membership meeting of the Round Table.

Section 5. Working meetings of all Standing FMRT Committees may take place during the Midwinter Conference of the ALA or at other times at the discretion of the Committee Chair. Special committees or special meetings of Standing Committees can also meet at the discretion of their FMRT Chair.

Section 6. All Standing Committees shall report and/or meet during Midwinter Conference of the ALA


Executive Committee

Section 1.The Officers of FMRT, the Chairs of the Membership, Communications, Nominating, Gala, Bylaws, Program, Notables and Multimedia Production Discussion Group Committees and the Webmaster shall constitute the Executive Committee and have voting privileges. Chairs of other Standing Committees and liaisons shall be non-voting members of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the FMRT between its business meetings, fix the hour and place of meeting. It is subject to the bylaws and orders of the FMRT and none of its acts shall be in conflict with actions taken by the FMRT.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall also meet at the discretion of the Chair to execute FMRT business between the Annual and Midwinter meetings. Special meetings may also be called by the Chair or at the request of three (3) other members of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. A simple majority of the voting members of the FMRT Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any Executive Committee meeting.



Section 1. All other committees shall be composed of members in good standing of the FMRT. There are two general types of Committees: Standing Committees and Special or Ad Hoc Committees, created at the discretion of the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Section 2. All Standing Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair of the FMRT for a specified term. A Standing Committee shall consist of at least two appointed (2) members and may include other members as determined by the Bylaws. Terms shall be staggered so vacancies do not result in an entire Standing Committee being replaced at one time. Standing Committee Members shall serve a two-year (2) term and may be re-appointed.

Section 3. Committee Chairs shall serve one (1) year terms as Chair, and may be appointed to a second one-year term at the pleasure of the FMRT Chair.

Section 4. The Standing Committees are as follows: Membership, Nominating, Communications, Annual Program, Gala Program, Bylaws, and Notable Videos.

A. Membership. The Membership Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, including the Chair. The term of service shall be two (2) years. It shall be responsible for promoting membership in the Round Table and for outreach activities with other appropriate professional organizations.

B. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members (except under extenuating circumstances in which 2 additional FMRT members can not be identified), one of whom shall be the Immediate Past Chair of the FMRT, who shall serve as Chair of the Committee. The term of service is one (1) year. The term of service is one (1) year. The Nominating Committee shall seek candidates for the FMRT's executive offices, and shall present a slate of candidates for each office, as provided in these Bylaws.

C. Communications Committee. The Communications Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, two of whom will be the Chair and the FMRT Webmaster. The Chair is responsible for setting the priorities of the Committee and delegating the creation of content to Committee members. The Webmaster is the primary contact person for the website, and in coordination with the Committee, maintains, updates, and initiates efforts to improve the website. The term of service for the Committee is two (2) years. The Committee shall promote communication about FMRT activities through appropriate online or print sources and support the Executive Board in sharing general information with the current and future FMRT members.

D. Program Committee. The Program Committee shall consist of at least four (4) members. The term of service is two (2) years. The Committee shall be charged with planning and executing the programs for the Annual Conferences.

E. Gala Program Committee. The Gala Program shall consist of at least five (5) members, including the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect and FMRT Treasurer (except under extenuating circumstances in which 5 Gala Committee members can not be identified), including the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect and FMRT Treasurer. The term of service on this Committee is two (2) years. The Gala is an annual professionally oriented event held as a fundraiser, membership recruitment, and social event and the Committee shall oversee all activities relating to executing the programs for the Annual Conferences.

F. Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least two (2) members, including a Past FMRT Chair or Executive Committee member (except under extenuating circumstances in which 2 Bylaws Committee members can not be identified). The term of service is two (2) years. It shall oversee the currency of the bylaws at the direction of the FMRT Executive Committee.

G. Notable Videos Awards Committee. The Committee is created and charged by FMRT according to the procedures of the FMRT Notable Videos for Adults Award. The purpose of the Committee is to call attention to those video programs produced during a two year period that are significant contributions. Committee members are appointed at the discretion of the FMRT Chair in consultation with the current Notable Videos Chair. Each member will serve a term of two years, with a maximum number of terms not to exceed two, for a maximum of four consecutive years of service. Additionally, appointments will be made to insure continuity in membership and diversity in type of libraries represented.

Section 5. Special or Ad Hoc Committee may be appointed by the Chair of the Round Table in order to execute occasional or short term FMRT business. All such Committees shall be appointed for a designated purpose and/or a specified period of time.



Section 1. The FMRT Chair shall appoint FMRT Liaisons with other ALA Divisions, Sections and Round Tables when/where appropriate. Liaisons to other organizations may also be appointed at the Chair's discretion. Liaisons from other organizations may also be received by the FMRT Chair but will have no voting rights.

Section 2. Liaisons shall serve as conduits for two-way communication between the Round Table and other organizations. They shall report on the activities of the group to which they are liaison at the Midwinter and Annual meetings. Liaisons shall be expected to attend the regularly scheduled open meetings of the organization to which they are the FMRT's representative.

Section 3. Liaisons shall serve a two-year (2) term and may be re-appointed.


Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order Revised" shall govern the Round Table in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the Constitution and Bylaws of ALA.



Section 1. The fiscal year of the FMRT shall conform to the fiscal year of the ALA.

Section 2. Funds of the FMRT shall be held and disbursed in accordance with Section 3 of Article 7 of the Bylaws of ALA (the overall governing document). The FMRT shall not incur expenses on behalf of the ALA without its prior written authorization.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall monitor all FMRT finances and report the status to the Executive Committee and membership on a semi-annual basis.


Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of members voting at any Annual Meeting or by ballot, provided the amendment has been proposed by the Executive Committee, a committee authorized by the Executive Committee, or a personal member of the Round Table, and has been sent in writing to the Secretary with online balloting available to each member at least thirty (30) days before the Annual meeting or by the counting of the vote. Amendments to these Bylaws shall become effective immediately upon certification of the election results.

Section 2. These Bylaws shall be consistent with the Bylaws of the ALA (Article VII) and require amendments whenever the ALA Bylaws are changed.



Section 1. Any persons concerned with video issues may form a regional, state, or local group that is encouraged to associate with the FMRT as an Affiliate. Affiliate status shall entitle the group to receive the publications of the FMRT as an Affiliate and to report its activities to the Round Table. An Affiliate can ask for advice or support or other appropriate action from the FMRT. Affiliates shall not pay dues, but shall be urged to contribute to the financial support of the FMRT. Where possible Affiliates may become Institutional Members of ALA and FMRT.

Section 2. Affiliates may be units of existing regional, state, or local library associations if they so choose. Affiliates determine their own organization, financial structure, policies, and programs, which are not subject to veto by the Round Table. Affiliates may act in the name of the FMRT only when authorized to do so by the FMRT membership, and shall not commit the Round Table to any action or philosophy by any declaration of policy.

Section 3. A group requesting Affiliate status shall submit a short statement of its membership, purpose, goals, and duration of operation to the FMRT Secretary. Affiliates shall report their ongoing activities to the FMRT Secretary at least once a year. If an Affiliate disbands, they shall report this acting to the FMRT Secretary.



Section 1. The FMRT shall publish information about its activities in appropriate print and online sources, as recommended by the Communications Committee and determined by the Executive Committee. Publications shall be free to all FMRT members in good standing and/or open to the public as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Communication about FMRT activities shall be overseen by Communications Committee and supported by the chair of that Committee. The Committee shall seek out and use established as well as new and emerging forms of communication to reach current and future FMRT members.

Section 3. These publications shall adhere to the policies of the ALA in accordance with Section 10 of the ALA Policy Manual and all applicable regulations.

Current revision drafted August 2019.

Approved December, 2019.

ALA Film and Media Round Table Bylaws Committee

  • Michele McKenzie, City College of San Francisco