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June 2024 (4.95 MB, PDF version, opens in new window)

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Issues of IL since December 1999

IL Editorial Statement

IL Instructions for Authors

Have an idea for an article?
Contact the Editors: Whitney Bevill, Amanda Harrison, Gloria Creed-Dikeogu, Anna Kozlowska, and Johann Frederick Cabbab (ala.intl.leads[@]


International Leads ( IL) is the official publication of the International Relations Round Table (IRRT). The purpose of IL is to disseminate information about international librarianship and the activities of the Round Table.

IL seeks to support Round Table and Association objectives by bringing members news, brief articles and reviews that help them understand and react appropriately to recent developments in international librarianship. It seeks items of timely value and emphasizes current reports and programs undertaken by the Association and the IRRT. A secondary concern is reporting on newsworthy items generated by other divisions, units and round tables of ALA that are relevant to the interests of IRRT and its members. A third level of concern reports other international activities outside the various ALA units that are relevant to IRRT and its members. IL accepts relevant general news releases intended for mass publication vehicles.

IL is published quarterly, edited by a member volunteer and printed through the production facilities of the American Library Association's Publishing Services Department.

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International Relations Round Table

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